Tigerlady Ehehhe!!!yes Mimmo liked very much to come with me in my bed room when i was at the pc...he always wanted all my attentions for him,so he sitted down of my documents or drawings on the desk and he stopped my works watching the desktop of my pc...i loved him...i will love him forever!!!!14-08-2004 08:32:05
Joe.c Il est sublime14-08-2004 03:37:50
Nuria Muy guapo!!! 14-08-2004 00:43:59
Bukinou Quel joli Mimmo! alors, on s'interresse au pc ? 13-08-2004 21:56:10
Tigerlady Ehehhe!!!yes Mimmo liked very much to come with me in my bed room when i was at the pc...he always wanted all my attentions for him,so he sitted down of my documents or drawings on the desk and he stopped my works watching the desktop of my pc...i loved him...i will love him forever!!!!14-08-2004 08:32:05
Joe.c Il est sublime14-08-2004 03:37:50
Nuria Muy guapo!!! 14-08-2004 00:43:59
Bukinou Quel joli Mimmo! alors, on s'interresse au pc ? 13-08-2004 21:56:10
Altomonte Sei bello
13-08-2004 19:32:46